Thursday, December 13, 2007

Company Christmas Do

We had our department Christmas lunch yesterday at The Corn Stores. It's a store built in the 1800s. We booked the entire floor for the department. There were easily 50 of us there! It didn't look we had a large team in the office until yesterday when everyone crammed in one area.

This was the starter that I pre-ordered; cheese-baked mushrooms.

Then came the steak. It really filled me up! Not forgetting they also served a thick slice of chocolate cake and a scoop of ice-cream with it. Good....really good.

Ah!..and the wine...lots of it. Those were just from our table!

We also had lucky draws and best-dressed competition.

Call it beginner's luck. I won in a lucky draw. I got a box of Cadbury chocolates!

As how the English people would say, "Cheers, mate!"

p/s: Sorry for the picture quality. Took them with my phone.

1 comment:

feifeipinky said...

waoh! the food..yummy delicious!