Friday, June 29, 2007

Terror Alert in London

I had planned to visit Poh today in London since it was his last day here before he takes on a job with Shell Malaysia. Unaware of what has happened over in London, I firmed up the plan and decided to meet him in the afternoon and stay over to help him pack his stuff.

Then I heard on the radio news that the police has sealed off Haymarket due to a car bomb threat. Haymarket is smacked in between Piccadilly Circus and Leicester Square. You'd probably pass through Haymarket on your way to Charing Cross. What's in those places? Musical theatres, pubs, restaurants, Chinatown and shopping complexes like the Trocadero! So, you can imagine there'd be $H!T loads of people including tourists. I'd probably be there too if I had to meet Poh today. But why am I blogging about it? Even if I were there, the bomb has already been discovered and I'd be safe anyway. So what's the big deal?

Personally, thinking about it sends shivers to my spine. I mean, it could have gone off anytime if it weren't found! And if it weren't found, there'd be no news and if there were no news, I'd be there. Again if it weren't found, no one would know the time of detonation. So, anyone who were fated to pass by that place today and did not make it has their Gods to thank for..and yea the drunk driver who knocked on the Mercedes Benz!

There's a Chinese saying that "sometimes a small fortune in life is sacrificed unexpectedly so that the bad omen is ward off from befalling onto you". Call it superstition, but I did think about my camera for a moment. Hahaha....sorry if it was such an anti-climax reading it but it's true you know.

Just as I was writing this, I read that a second car bomb was found in Cockspur Street, a stone's throw from Haymarket (like Lot 10 to Plaza Imbi, maybe?).

When you put images of people, tourists, the crowds and all into those places, you just can't help but shudder when you think about the "what ifs" and the only colour you see is red...

**Hey Poh, sorry to have bundled a farewell wish to you with such an unkind subject**

P/S: All photos except the last from BBC's website.


feifeipinky said...

this news came out from the radio too in My Fm this morning...

Anonymous said...

It really seems like we can never be too safe anywhere.

Hirot said...

I believe your safety there.

or I cannot visit you and Europe?!

Yap! It's 3088.. said...

I was in London yesterday, but ppl were just moving out and about like nothing happened.

Raymond said...

Take care man buddy!

zafi said...

yeah everything goes normal again..