Thursday, June 28, 2007

No more camera

I lost my camera. No more photos for now until I get a new one, which will take some time. It's been with me since late 2005 and am feeling really bad about it. In fact, I just upgraded to a 1GB card! Sigh...


zafi said...

what happen eh?
my camera was broken ! arghhh and your MIA... Gosh!

feifeipinky said...

huh?? how did it happen?????

Wadi: said...

sorry to hear about that. Hope you would recover from the misery and have a replacement soon.

Anonymous said...

arggh... we, your blog-readers, feel the pain. that said, berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul...

Raymond said...

Buy a new one lor what to do,I lost some precious notes/study materials forever ok.....normal lar,absent minded!

Just imagine u loose your thesis and hv to do all over again from ground zero,so losing camera not too bad,feeling better now?

pBoon said...

i know how u feel.. but look on the bright side, u get to buy a new one. :)

shirley ng said...

yikes! it's like the Olympus curse has just been passed on to you.

Yap! It's 3088.. said...

In some way, I kinda feel flattered that ppl are still eyeing on my 3.2MP camera when the market's at 10.1MP? I'm more convinced now with my choice of camera!