So the beast has arrived.
It's staring right in the eyes of an average man on the street. It has taken lives and is hunting for more blood and lives.
Recession has never become more real and nearer than now.
Early 2008 - £1 = RM7
Now - £1= RM 5.36
But that's not what I mean. People I know and friends are now being retrenched and made redundant, construction is shedding 7,000 jobs and more coming under the axe and the government is determined to cut down on infrastructure works that the R-word has now become so real and near.
Friends whom I used to think would never face retrenchment because of their credentials and reputation in the industry have now been made redundant.
Nothing seems to be secured anymore. Everything is so fluid now. There are so much uncertainties.
Like in a horror movie, you can't help but think if your days are numbered too.
T-REX Outline Hike at Bukit Kiara
6 days ago
hey! i left you a mesg on gchat. how's things now? i had a friend who went back m'sia for her grandpa's funeral, and now is stuck coz of the new visa rulings, etc.... and her company is "threatening" to let her go if she doesn't return by end of this month!
Things are very uncertain here with the new visa ruling. Malaysia being a "black-listed" country further exacerbated the situation. Thanks to the Malaysian overstayers those who are here legally get the brunt of everything!
Hi Alden, I hope you are doing well despite the recession. :)
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