Sunday, May 31, 2009

A message of Pentecost

Pentecost is one of the major celebrations in the liturgical calendar. Today the priest adapted a story from "The Arabian Nights" and I thought it was a nice one to share:

"Once lived a poor man who believed in his dreams. He prayed to God that one day he will be lifted out of poverty. One night he dreamed that a man came and told him, "Your fortune is in a box in a big house; go and find it."

Believing in his dream but not knowing where to start, he told everyone of his dream. Everyone laughed at him.

Once he chatted up a policeman on the street. The police too laughed and poked fun at him saying, "Once I had a dream too. A man told me to find my fortune beneath a scarecrow. Yeah right! How can you believe in dreams! Silly you!"

The man realised that the policeman had just described the scarecrow in his farm and returned home. He removed the scarecrow and started digging the ground. There it was a box containing a chest full of money. His life changed forever."

There is the message and there is the noise. With faith and hope, God will lead us to his voice. Nice one.

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