Sunday, July 27, 2008

See you at 30!

First the blanket now the shirt. London's been quite hot this week with temperatures hovering around mid to late 20s.

I have ditched the duvet for the moment. Current temperature is 26 deg C. I'd be baked in that heat if I have continued using a duvet. Temperature like this is what Malaysian runners would regard as "ideal" for running. It is for me too. That's why I have not stopped doing my 20k pledge almost everyday! I should have covered 540k to-date.

In Malaysia, if I were to stay in the room in that heat, like what I'm doing now, I would have turned on the air conditioning. However, since I don't have such a thing here, I can only ditch the t-shirt. I had a mild sunburn from this afternoon's run. It feels like having an iron next to the face.

"Running at the height of the day with the sun throwing 28deg C at your face and only slapping some SPF 30? really deserved it mate!"

When we went to see a play called "Her Naked Skin" at the National Theatre yesterday, the sudden cooling of the sweaty body in the building almost glued my t-shirt to the skin. That was how sticky it felt!

Also celebrated Owen's belated birthday

After attending Winson's 30th birthday do in Fulham today, I came back to shower the second time. Another batch of laundry waiting to be done tomorrow!

You see, there is a cost to global warming. I have seen my fridge stocking up on cold drinks and I have increased my frequency to the bathroom as well as doing my laundry.

I had almost bought a litre of Pimm's two days ago in Sainsbury's if not because I had forgotten to bring an ID to proof my age. Can you believe it, they thought I was under age to buy alcohol?!! But that saved me a good 13quid from impulse buying. So I am not complaining.

I checked on BBC's weather for tomorrow. There's a two-digit number that looked Malaysian. But I have gotten the impression that the forecast is shouting to Londoners, "See you at 30!"


feifeipinky said...

yaiks! 30deg?! want a small fan to keep u cool?? ;)

Yap! It's 3088.. said...

There will be a Malaysia Week in two days nearby my place, next to Tower Bridge. If the temperature stays it will be the most "real" Malaysian experience for Londoners!

feifeipinky said...

waoh! really?! cool! u sure gona have fun. ^_^ Goodness! ur plc really a great hang out place huh!