Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The Star: Backlash by Nature

An email alert popped up. It was from an ex-colleague of mine. "I read your article in The Star today".

Another ex-colleague sent the file to me.

Malaysians need to wake up to environmental issues...

Malaysian Daily: The Star

Date: 13 March 2007

Page: N45


Wadi: said...

Dear Alden,

The article is very well-articulated and informed. I agree with you on this. Just this morning, happened to bump into the debate by Britons on the proposed Climate Change Bill - some said, it's too late, some said it's politically motivated whilst the remaining said: it would add to our tax burden soon. Whatever it is, the world is ageing and we have to save the world from awaiting the 'backlash by nature' repeats. It was interesting to gauge sustainable issues. Keep up writing this kind of material bro!


feifeipinky said...

Good to read ur write up in the paper eventhough u away from M'sia. Keep up the good work!

Raymond said...

u read nihon keizai shimbun in cambridge?

joanium said...

Fabulous article, Yap. Very well constructed! Maybe you can work as a journalist/editor if you want give your civil eng job :)

Yap! It's 3088.. said...

It's been a while since I last wrote articles to the press. Was working on my assignment and suddenly had an inspiration to write. Haha...Will try to contribute more whenever I get inspirations next time.

Noris: The other day I was wathing Chan4 on "The Global Warming Swindle", it said that global warming has nothing to do with CO2 but solar activity. If that's true, it'd entirely change the debate.

Raymond: What's it got to do with Keizai shimbun?

Joan: I wasn't thinking of getting back into Civil eng but after today's ESD2 finale, I'm rethinking my options. It's more effective to contribute at a level which I'm familiar with and leverage on the established contacts/network and work SD from within. Also, I need to "pay the bills";)

joanium said...

A few people have been referencing the 'Global Warming Swindle' tv programme.

I didn't watch it. All I can say, really, is that hundreds of scientists and government officials wrote and edited the IPCC 4th assessment report that said that global warming in the 20th century was 90% likely to have been caused by human activity.

I think the IPCC is very credible. Even if the IPCC is wrong, a lot of what is good for mitigating global warming is good for dealing with other environmental problems -- resource consumption, increased waste disposal, water and energy security, habitat destruction... you get the picture. Consumption is out of control!

Yap! It's 3088.. said...

Good point Joan! GWS claimed that many of the scientific evidence by IPCC were cooked up for political reasons - green votes, Thatcher's diversion strategy for nuclear power plants in Britain, new market segment, etc. Human consumption is being controlled largely because of the global warming effects that scientists claimed to have. But if GWS could successfully take these two away from each other, I wonder if the agenda would work as effectively as now.

joanium said...

How useful! Secratary of State, David Milliband, responds to the Global Warming Swindle show.

Yap! It's 3088.. said...

And yesterday's article in The Independent (http://news.independent.co.uk/environment/climate_change/article2355956.ece)