The Guy Fawkes Day is widely celebrated across the UK. Sometimes it is also called as the Bonfire Night. It is a day to commemorate a criminal called Guy Fawkes, to put it simply.
This is how the day was commemorated...
Guy Fawkes was an English soldier who attempted to carry out an assissination of King James I and members of both houses of the Westminster Palace on 5th November 1605. Guy Fawkes was in large part responsible for the later stages of the plan's execution. His activities were detected, however, before the plan's completion. Following a severe interrogation involving the use of torture and a trial, his conspirators were executed for treason and attempted murder. Guy Fawkes' failure is remembered with this day on November 5th.
A shot of the event taken at the Midsummer Common, Cambridge under the bright full moon.
Betong Silipat Camping and Hiking
15 hours ago
Remember, remember, the 5th of November,
Gunpowder Treason and Plot.
I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
Should ever be forgot...
Another point of view: Guy Fawkes Day
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